Saturday, February 26, 2011

You Look Like a Young Barbra Streisand

About five minutes ago, I got out of the shower.  About twenty minutes ago, I got into the shower full and baked, which was a pretty cool combination because I thought of myself as a pink manatee the moment I entered. (My shower curtain is pink and it turns the whole room pink.) I do much of my thinking in the shower, and I was thinking a lot about an in-depth conversation my roommate and I had about confidence, and being an actor. And I remembered that I had talked about secretly wanting to become a casting director.

I've always harbored a secret desire to become a casting director because let's face it, everyone would want the commercial/tv show/film to reflect the characters that they saw in their head when they read the script.  I always see the aformentioned television and I think, 'Wow I could have found someone way better to read those lines.' Bottom line is I think I'd be good at the job. Plus I have, I think, particularly good intuition about people, even if they're acting.

Anyway, so I'm in the shower, scrubbin my tush, thinking about this idea of becoming a casting director, and maybe interning with a casting director when I move to the big L.A. (it's like a bad word I guess; people don't really ever say it without spelling it out instead). Then, all of a sudden, a tragic reality strikes me like lightning::

what if ... the reason... I want to become a casting director.... .. ... is so that people will have to suck up to me?

.... .... ... . . ... . ... . . . . ...... what if that's all I've ever wanted to accomplish by being an actor, TOO ! ? ... . . . !!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why I Hate Katy Perry (And Other Stupid People)

I didn't really care too much about this drawing. I just wanted to make sure I got the boobs right.

I think, long ago when I started this blog, I mentioned in one of my posts that I'm not very opinionated.

Well, I think I was wrong.  I'm pretty damn opinionated.... But it's only about one subject, really:

Stupid people.

Now you're probably saying to yourself, isn't stupidity subjective?  And isn't it a little wrong, having an intense burning passion for so-called "stupid" people?  Well I'm here to tell you that it's not. Subjective nor wrong.

Here's the thing. When I get really opinionated about stupid people, I get really passionate about my beliefs.

I try to put myself in other people's shoes whenever possible.  When someone is expressing an opinion to me, I make an attempt to look at it from their perspective.  What I'm gradually learning is that not everyone does this. I was shocked when I had this epiphany the other day when I was {insert doing something really cool/relevant (maybe) here}.  The point at which I deem someone stupid comes when I've done everything I can to put myself in their shoes and I just can't see where they're coming from.

Enter Ms. Perry-Brand.