Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Psst! I Have a Secret!

I don't know if it's still too early for me to have an inside joke with my blogger community... Especially since that's like 3 people.  Well maybe a few more now that I decided to come out of the blogging closet to my friends.  (Am I too self-deprecating for blog humor? I worry sometimes that I come off as whiny when I'm really just being sardonic.)

But here it is, just in case you get it:

Friday, November 19, 2010

::naked yoga

The Skin-ny

So I've been putting off advertising my blog on Facebook.

This is for a couple reasons.  One, I think there's a verrrry blurry line between good and bad facebook self-promotion. Two, I'm not sure if there's an unspoken thing about self-promoting multiple things, and I'd ideally like to spend my one token to promote myself as an actor, not as a blogger.

Buutttt ... I can also maybe turn my blog fan page into a Whitney fan page some day...

... Which would void the anonymity I'm sort of going with on this whole blog thing, where I can be myself but that's because nobody knows me, because I'm pretty sure there is about one person that reads my blog... (up until now, at least).  Plus there's that whole Big Brother complex I have.  And, honestly, I'm not very good at keeping up with things, so I'm afraid that once my life is more exciting I'll forget about it.  But ! At the same time, having "fans" will inspire me to keep writing, that is assuming that my facebook friends like this shit...


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wow I Suck

I'm sorry to say that I'm already hardcore sucking at being a blogger.

It's just that not much has been going on lately.  I go to work.  I come home and go to bed.  I wake up the next day to do it again.  I understand why people get so totally bored by their lives.  This cannot be what it's about.  Right?

The truth is, I haven't been my usual cheery sarcastic self lately.  And it's not because of work, because I know that my job is my job and not my life.  I suppose it's because I don't know what I'm doing with my life.  Boo hoo, right? Everyone says that - my mom still does, and she's 57 years old.  But I guess I use that phrase so loosely.  I do know what I'm doing with my life.  Right now, I'm living with my parents trying to save up money to move somewhere else so I can hopefully pursue an acting career.

I think I dislike adulthood because there's no solid goal to work towards.  "HAPPINESS."  That's my goal.  But what the eff does that mean?  It's not, "a paper on global warming," or, "get a 4.0," or even "graduate from college."  Nothing is definitive, and boy do I like definitive.  I like to have goals to work toward, not overall LIFE ones, but just smaller ones.  So you think I'd be happy knowing that I'm working toward moving out.  Not a big philosophical life goal, but a practical, next-step goal.  So why do I feel so restless?