So I've been putting off advertising my blog on Facebook.
This is for a couple reasons. One, I think there's a verrrry blurry line between good and bad facebook self-promotion. Two, I'm not sure if there's an unspoken thing about self-promoting multiple things, and I'd ideally like to spend my one token to promote myself as an actor, not as a blogger.
Buutttt ... I can also maybe turn my blog fan page into a Whitney fan page some day...
... Which would void the anonymity I'm sort of going with on this whole blog thing, where I can be myself but that's because nobody knows me, because I'm pretty sure there is about one person that reads my blog... (up until now, at least). Plus there's that whole Big Brother complex I have. And, honestly, I'm not very good at keeping up with things, so I'm afraid that once my life is more exciting I'll forget about it. But ! At the same time, having "fans" will inspire me to keep writing, that is assuming that my facebook friends like this shit...
Well I'm going for it anyway.
It's a scary thing, your first post that you're going to advertise to your friends, that your friends mightmaybepossiblyifthere'snothingontvandthere'snothingmoreexcitinggoingononfacebookandthere'snothingelseinthewholeworldthattheycandosomaybethey'llreadit might read.
But I decided it was time when I came up with something I've recently... discovered. I wanted to say invented, but a quick google search tells me that there's already a Wikipedia article about it.
I'll be honest. I titled this blog post 'Naked Yoga' because I knew that it might draw attention.
It's actually more about topless yoga.
I did some yoga today after I got off work, at my house, and I don't know what made me do it. Maybe I was just feeling weighed down by all the clothes and coats and boots and hats that I've been employing lately because of the freezing cold weather. Maybe it was just that I happened to finally be freaking home alone for a few hours, a rare occurrence since I started living with the 'rents. Either way, I stripped down to nothing but my skivvies and did some Adho Mukha Svanasanas and some Chaturanga Dandasanas (I did some yoga). And let ! me tell you: it was phenomenal. So liberating! There's just something about being naked and getting in touch with your chi. Maybe it's because you're more in your natural state of being. Maybe it's because you can really stretch without worrying about clothes getting in your way. Or maybe it's because you really do let go of all that self-consciousness and are able to just focus on your body as an entity, a vessel... Something very tangible, instead of something we constantly forget about. It's a very female concept, in my opinion. This post, while guys will read it (probably more guys than gals, actually, because I have more guy friends and I know they'll definitely be drawn to the title)... this post is for the laadiesss. Like Tina Fey says it in Baby Mama. (Go here.) And I'm here to tell you, try it. It's great. Very freeing, which is what yoga should be. Guys, if you try it, please don't tell me about it, I don't wanna hear stories about your cock flopping around... No girl likes a floppy peen.
Wow, so what a blog post.
(It turns out gay men like floppy peen though, so I shouldn't discriminate to my readers (friends), many (who'm I kidding, most) of whom are mo's. Apparently organized naked yoga is more popular with groups of men. My favorite quote from the Wikipedia article, which of course takes an activity I thought of as feminine and makes it gay: "Many of these male-only naked yoga groups have been associated with the gay community, though often not intentionally." ... What? So they don't intentionally associate these groups with the gays. How do you unintentionally associate something? If you're making an association, you're doing it on purpose. Right? Or are you saying that they are associated because they are also affiliated? In which case, the lack of intention doesn't make sense at all. I think, stupid person who wrote this wikipedia article, the word you were looking for was "correctly": "... though often not correctly." That would mean, like I think you mean, "the groups of men doing yoga naked together are frequently called homosexual, but lots of times it's not. Gay. It's not gay." Riiiight...)
Thanks for Getting This Far, It's The End.
So this is just one of the many types of articles that you'll be finding if you keep reading my blog. Which I hope you do! The point is that it has no subject. Sort-of like me.
You might have noticed the donation bar on the side of my homepage so you can give me money. It's for my student loans. Read more about it on the 'Info on Donating to my College Fund' tab or click here. Most of my facebook friends are my college friends, so hopefully they get it and sort of like my blog at least enough to donate a buck. Or two or more.
You should check out the 'About Me' and 'About (K)now (S)ubject' pages too ;-)
But all joking aside, please leave feedback and tell me what you think! Anyone can comment, you don't have to have any sort of account like you do with everything else these days. I welcome both criticism and encouragement, but prefer criticism, because the more I get, the fewer thumbtacks I have to eat in the morning.
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