Friday, October 22, 2010

All My Pictures Are of the Back of My Head

For someone who is so great at technology (yeah. I am.), I'm really freaked out about it.

I mean here I am blogging, putting myself out there in a lot of ways, but in lots of ways I'm still trying to conceal my identity.

Like, I won't give you my last name.  But I'm asking you to donate money to my college fund.

I would never give you my facebook profile information.  But it probably wouldn't be that hard to find.  Plus I'm just biding my time until I'm ready to start advertising my blog on my facebook (it's really easy for me to sit here and be a geeky blogger when only like 3 people I actually know are reading it).

And, as the title of this post suggests, the whole 2 pictures I have of me on my blog (besides those that are (excellently) drawn using Paint) are of the back of my head.

Someday I'm gonna have to get over all of this if I want to have, say, an actor website.

I got into an argument with my mom the other day about getting fingerprinted.  She wants me to apply to be a substitute teacher, and in order to get a license for that in the state of Colorado, you have to be fingerprinted.  Not only that, you have to pay 60 bucks to send them the card.  Not to actually do the fingerprinting, which probably also costs money, but just for them to process it.  Like, who is going to be getting that information?  Plus, I'm sure they put it in some computer, and yeah, I get that right now, at this point in time, they're only using it to identify criminals and whatnot.  But what about in the future, when the government starts using it to like... advertise to you.  Like in Minority Report or some shit.  Or maybe like, everywhere you go you have to start using your fingerprint to enter places.  Or to buy stuff.  They'll probably figure out a way to let you use your iPhone to do everything because you'll just put your finger all over it like you do already.  Who knows!? I'm just saying, it freaks me out.

Or things like Spokeo.  Click on it.  It's terrifying.  Search yourself, and see what kind of information they have on you and your family.  You can pay them to keep it out of there, but there are 50 other websites exactly like it.  Want some examples?  I did some research: Pipl, zabasearch, Spock, Wink, cvgadget, 123people, etc etc etc... That's just a small fraction of them.  Not to mention that anyone can pay some random sum of money to do a background check on anyone they have a name for.

Maybe I just have a 1984, Brave New World complex.  I do love dystopian fiction.  Have you ever read/heard of the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld?  I'm always going around toting these books to people.  Maybe it's because I also have a young adult fiction complex.

In honor of Mr. Westerfeld, I give you his blog: Westerblog.  Actually I don't know if he still calls it that, but that's what he used to call it a few years ago - I've been reading his blog for a long ass time - so I'm going with it.  He also has a Twitter: follow him @ScottWesterfeld !  He has some fantastic novels, I've read almost everything he's written, including his most recent not-yet-finished trilogy, Leviathan.  The second book in the series, Behemoth, just came out and debuted at #5 on the New York Times bestseller list.  I admire both his sense of humor and his writing style, and his blog does great justice to both.  Go Scott!

I'm glad to see that this blog post started out as one thing and merged into something else.  I wasn't really planning on doing a legitimate post, I just wanted to explain the two pictures of the back of my head.  Actually, I was sitting here pondering what to write about, since the last time I posted was a whole four days ago and I didn't want to keep my fans waiting.  Ha.

(Also, the most exciting thing that's happened to me since then has been going to this siiick haunted house, which I really wanted to blog about, but couldn't really think of anything witty or clever to say about it.  So consider it mentioned.)

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