Wednesday, October 13, 2010

this is shamelessly copied from my 'About (K)now (S)ubject' page

(K)now (S)ubject is a blog with no subject.

I tried for months to come up with a theme for the blog I knew I was
to write.

(I'm a little dramatic.)

Originally I was going to write a blog about my exploits in New York City.  But then I didn't move to New York City.  Then I was thinking I could somehow incorporate my love for ferris wheels into a whimsical little blog that dealt with the ferris wheel as a metaphor for life... blah blah peopledon'tcare blah.

But then I realized: I can't define my blog because I can't define myself.  I have no idea who I am, other than an actor with a passion for learning about people and looking at the world from their point of view.  I want to live a thousand different lives.  Thank gods I have a great imagination, because that's the only way I'm going to be able to live them all.

It’s been approximately 3 months since I moved out of my cushy messy college apartment in Boulder and moved in with my parents.  And I've simultaneously grown up and grown down, which just has to be a blessing in disguise, because they say that all you've ever needed to know you learned in Kindergarten, and while I completely agree, I feel like I'm about six years old again, and so far I'm still looking for that six-year-old sense of optimism and fearlessness about the future.  I'll keep you posted on that.

Although one of my goals in creating (K)now (S)ubject is to raise money to pay off my blasted student loans (see my Info on Donating to My College Fund page), I think that, even if I don't raise a cent, I feel like I have something to share with the world.  And despite the fact that I have no idea what that is, I've been yearning to start a blog for ages, and I've put it off long enough.  So although I don't know the subject of my own blog, I do know that I have the capacity to talk about hundreds of completely unrelated things... and I guess my goal has always been knowledge.

I want my blog to be more than just me talking at you and you listening.  One of the many reasons I love blogs is because they can be a work in progress - and mine certainly will be.  This is a blog for the readers, and I eventually hope that it will at least be partially by the readers.  I am on a constant quest to keep learning and growing, and what better way to do that than to hear and listen to my readers’ feedback... This is all assuming, of course, that I manage to find readers... And keep the conversation going!

And as part of my so-called mission, I also want to include a link and description of another blog that I like in EVERY post I make.  I have a lot of blogging friends, both literally and otherwise, and I'm really into paying it forward.

So, in my first order of business as the Queen of (K)now (S)ubject, I give you Karyn Bosnak's website and blog: 

The source of my inspiration, reading her story and perusing her website (which is exactly my style, witty and funny and quirky all rolled into one woman who has no apologies and isn't afraid to be herself) gave me that final push to say, do it.  Start your blog.  Shit, maybe you'll make some money.  And if not?  At least you know you did it, even without a subject.

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