Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bathroom Graffiti

I'm so sorry I didn't post yesterday! I worked a double and had a headache all day long, so I climbed into bed immediately after my longest day ever. But I'll post two today :)

For my first post, I have what I'd like to be a new series (but who knows?) called 'Bathroom Graffiti.' The other night I was at a bar with some coworkers and there was such an abundance of great bathroom wall graffiti that I had to take some pictures. And may I present them to you now!

"Never make someone a priority in your life, when your only an option in theirs."

"You can't cried over spilt milk when the jar was never even opened."
...nice sentiment... I especially loved the comment in the left corner - "Nice grammer BITCH!" Apparently she's a stickler for grammar, but spelling fell by the wayside.

"To be a rock and not to roll...."
Deep, man woman.

"Love is the only truth
If your love is turned away
love more.
If your love is rejected
love more.
because I'd rather feel a heart full of sorrow for love 
than never know what sorrow is.
Choose love

 And saving my favorite for last,
"Be a fucking GODDESS, and own your right to happiness!"
Couldn't have said it better myself.

1 comment:

  1. hey first things first i just want to say, you are very cute, and secondly, would it be alright if i used one of the pictures as my background on facebook? pleeease?
